5 Japanese Supercars You May Not Know About Acceleration & Sound Misc by turboandstance - April 20, 2018 While Germans and especially Italians make a ton of supercars, Japanese are more known for their incredible sports cars rather than supercars. They do those really well and when they decide to make a supersport, it always is something really special. Like the Skyline GT-R, NSC, LFA or these five in
7 Supercars You Probably Never Heard About Misc by turboandstance - January 31, 2018January 31, 2018 This video features 7 Supercars You Probably Never Heard About. If you wanna know which are 7 Supercars You Probably Never Heard About! Some of them actually look awesome! Watch the video below and leave a comment or share this one with your friends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXlFuewjTTM (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
Worst Supercars of All Time Misc by turboandstance - January 14, 2018January 14, 2018 A supercar is a luxury, high-performance sports car or grand tourer. The term is used in marketing by automakers for unusual and expensive vehicles. These cars in the video where produced by supercar makers but never made it in the real world. Watch the video below and leave a comment or