Team Rühle Racing 1200HP VW Golf 2 R30 Turbo L8-Night Race Day Lausitzring Drag & Track by turboandstance - April 30, 2021May 6, 2021 Rühle Racing competed with their Golf R30 Turbo at the L8 Night Race Day at the Lausitzring and it was worth it. They were able to improve with every run and in the end their best run was 8,891sec at 262,938km /h ! Watch the video below to see this crazy
800HP VW Bora R30 Turbo vs 967HP BMW M4 Drag & Track by turboandstance - August 8, 2020August 8, 2020 During Race1000 at Airport Neuhardenberg they have filmed this Volkswagen Bora R30 Turbo which now has over 800HP! What a beast and what a sleeper! Watch the video of this awesome Volkswagen Bora VR6 Turbo below, leave a comment and share it with your friends. Follow us also on Facebook, Pinterest
1200HP VW Golf MK2 R30 Turbo 296,80KM/H TTT Final Race Day 2019 Acceleration & Sound by turboandstance - November 4, 2019November 15, 2019 We have seen many R30 Swapped MK2 Golfs, but there aren't many with a DSG Gearbox! Steffen Wappler did his first Testruns with his Golf R30 Turbo DSG at the TTT Final Race Day! Watch the video of this awesome Golf MK2 R30 VR6 Turbo with DSG below and leave a
1300HP VW GTI Goes 330kmh! (AWD Turbo VR6!) Acceleration & Sound Drag & Track by turboandstance - September 1, 2018January 3, 2019 This 1989 Volkswagen can go 200mph?! In the middle of 1320Video’s tour of Germany, we found ourselves at the reason we crossed the pond - The RACE1000 1/2 Mile at Airport Magdeburg Cochstedt, aka Germany’s premier 1/2 mile event! We heard this is where European cars come to raise the bar
1350HP Audi S2 R30 Turbo Coupe w/ HOOD EXHAUST! INSANE LAUNCH CONTROLS! Drag & Track by turboandstance - June 3, 2018February 13, 2025 You better watch out for this 1350HP Audi S2 R30 Turbo Coupe! This 1350HP Audi S2 Turbo is from HELL!! It is modified with R32 engine by Hamon Motors and goes from 0-328 km/h (204mph) in 14,8 seconds and from 200-250 km/h in 1.6 seconds! A true MONSTER!! In the video
VW Golf MK2 R30 Turbo 1200+hp SSR Performance Test runs Drag & Track by turboandstance - January 14, 2018January 14, 2018 VW Golf Mk2 swapped to a VR6 engine R30 Turbo. pushing out 1200+ HP! The Golf is built and driven by SSR Performance. They were doing some test runs on the 1/4 mile. With this much torque and Horsepower they were still able to go in a straight line which is
1350HP Audi S2 R30 Turbo Coupe w/ HOOD EXHAUST! INSANE LAUNCH CONTROLS! Drag & Track by turboandstance - December 29, 2017January 22, 2018 You better watch out for this 1350HP Audi S2 R30 Turbo Coupe! This 1350HP Audi S2 Turbo is from HELL!! It is modified with R32 engine by Hamon Motors and goes from 0-328 km/h (204mph) in 14,8 seconds and from 200-250 km/h in 1.6 seconds!! A truly MONSTER!! This video shows
GOLF MK4 R30 TURBO 4 MOTION 8.7 sec on a 1/4 Mile Drag & Track by turboandstance - October 19, 2017February 9, 2020 Driver: Todor Minchev and his VW Golf MK4 R30 TURBO 4MOTION with a VR6 bored to 3.0L and a Garrett GTX42 with 4 speed dog box pushing out 900WHP and 1040N/m at the wheels! Watch the video of this awesome MK4 Golf VR6 with GTX42 Garrett and leave a comment below
VW Golf MK2 R30 Turbo One Badass Machine! 0-200 8.9 sec! Acceleration & Sound by turboandstance - July 30, 2017 Brutal & Extreme fast boosted Volkswagen Golf MK2 R30 VR6 Turbo 4-motion with more than 1000 HP under the bonnet! These guys did some test driving with this ultimate VW Golf 2 turbo and floored the shit out of it! Its and awd MK2 Golf built by "Alfons Ingerl KFZ-Handel"
GOLF VR6 – Sound Compilation (TURBO) Acceleration & Sound Drag & Track by turboandstance - July 1, 2017April 9, 2021 The VR6 Golf's, have always been loved because of the unique sound they produce. But not only the sound they produce made these engine wanted! The fact they are being used for Turbocharging made these engines one of the most used engines for all Volkswagens and even Audi's! Watch the compilation