TURBO ANTI-LAG SOUND & EXHAUST FLAMES Compilation 2018 Acceleration & Sound Drag & Track by turboandstance - April 12, 2018April 12, 2018 This time we have a compilation video with some of the most Powerful and craziest BIG Turbo sounds,exhaust backfires and antilags! Watch the video below and leave a comment or share this one with your friends. Follow us also on Facebook! https://youtu.be/lGQkFozZGOQ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
20 minutes of STREET RACING (wreck & FIGHT?!) Street Races by turboandstance - September 5, 2017August 18, 2019 New Mexico NEVER disappoints. They showed up again and brought TONS of street racing with them! From 800hp import’s to 1000hp Mustangs, wrecks & fights - there was PLENTY of exciting sh*t going on this year! TONS of dig-races, 180mph highway pulls. Watch the video of these streetraces below and leave
Tricky Car Sound Quiz! Can you guess the car? Acceleration & Sound Misc by turboandstance - April 16, 2017June 11, 2018 Let's see how far your knowledge goes! We bet you can't correctly guess all of the cars, and that's absolutely normal because these cars sound so damn good you wouldn't expect it most times! Just watch the video below and let us know how many of them you guessed right and