More than 4000 Unique JDM Cars are stored in this Building! Misc by turboandstance - May 21, 2022 It’s not often that Tom looks at shiny new cars, but when he heard about a Japanese import specialist who has collected and sold over 4000 Japanese manufactured vehicles, he couldn’t pass the opportunity up. We’re talking Datsun Z cars, GT-Rs, Accord Aerodecks, Figaros, Totota Coronas, Suzuki Jimnys, and many more. But the fun doesn’t stop there! Tom visits a nearby location that holds 300 plus Volkswagen Westfalias that have been collected from around the U.S. by a gentleman to help preserve and maintain the Westfalia population. Let us know which one is your favorite in the comments and dbare this one also with your friends. Don’t forget to follow us also on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram! Leave a comment