Turbo V8 Volvo – The Perfect Street Sleeper! Drag & Track by turboandstance - April 30, 2017December 29, 2019 Turbo V8 Swaps are ever so common these days, but they make it a lot more fun when used for a backyard build like this sweet little Volvo! Builds like this aren’t shooting for the stars, they are just looking to make a something cheap and unique into a good
6 Amazing Family Sleeper Cars! Acceleration & Sound Misc by turboandstance - March 13, 2017 Sometimes when the kids are too late for school you need to get there as fast as possible :) These daddies have the best solution for that. Here are some amazing fast Family cars and awesome SWAPS! Watch the video of these 6 amazing Family Sleeper Cars below and leave a