Jet Truck (Bob Motz) Catches Wall on Fire at Summit Motorsports Park 2019 INSANE!

At the annual Night Under Fire 2019 at Summit Motorsports Park Bob Motz not only burned the backboard earlier in the day but in his second run he lit the whole thing up and it started to burn right before the fireworks started.

At first, we thought that maybe this might all have been intentional as a shiw. Maybe the park was ready to buy a new billboard and let the old one go down in style! However while taking a second look, it does look a little bit dangerous! It’s pretty scary, actually, to watch the entire advertising board behind the track go up in BIG flames! A brisk wind is definitely sending chunks of flaming advertisement flying absolutely everywhere, should it happen to come.

One commenter by the name of Andrew Henson does point out that Bob Motz, the man behind the wheel, setting the board on fire is a yearly occurence.

When push came to shove, the billboard was taken out and it was a calm night so it doesn’t look like anybody was injured in the process. One thing is for sure and it’s that everyone on location ended up getting one heck of a show at the strip that night. There might be an angry track manager waiting in the wings after a display like this, though!

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