ALEX HAS BUILT THIS RIDICULOUS SLEEPER – *YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHATS UNDER THE BONNET* Acceleration & Sound Misc Street Races by turboandstance - March 22, 2020March 22, 2020 "Just LOOK at the size of that" Its hard to not just stop and stare when you see whats under the bonnet of this Mercedes 190. 22 year old Alex has created a real sleeper. Unassuming, stock to look at...... You'd barely look twice if you walked past in the
The BIGGEST SLEEPER EVER – Buick LeSabre Goes NUTS with Nitrous Drag & Track by turboandstance - March 17, 2020March 22, 2020 This 1977 Buick LeSabre that many would view as grandpa's cruiser surprised pretty much every bystander at the entire track. The car is based off of the LT1 platform and with the help of some nitrous is able to scoot down the track in single digit times! Perhaps our favorite
Turbo V8 Volvo – The Perfect Street Sleeper! Drag & Track by turboandstance - April 30, 2017December 29, 2019 Turbo V8 Swaps are ever so common these days, but they make it a lot more fun when used for a backyard build like this sweet little Volvo! Builds like this aren’t shooting for the stars, they are just looking to make a something cheap and unique into a good
6 Amazing Family Sleeper Cars! Acceleration & Sound Misc by turboandstance - March 13, 2017 Sometimes when the kids are too late for school you need to get there as fast as possible :) These daddies have the best solution for that. Here are some amazing fast Family cars and awesome SWAPS! Watch the video of these 6 amazing Family Sleeper Cars below and leave a